Friday, December 18, 2009


The president and some of the democrats claim we are recovering from the recession .But frrom my side of the fence it dos'nt look so good.The washington athorities keep talking about phisical responsibilities but I do'nt think they know what the word means.Congress just voted in an expence bill to run the government and the legislaters added 5000 ear marks ( those are pet projects of individual senators)that are costing us billions of dollars.The fact is we are drowning in red ink and if we do'nt learn to swim we are going to die. The fact is this twelve trillion national debt is not going to be paid off unless we raise the taxes to pay it and the destitute people with no jobs and no money can not do it so it is going to be up to the people that have the money to do it. We better get with it and get this country back on A sound financial basis or all that money is'nt going to be worth anything anyway. my opinion by John Zilverberg.

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