Sunday, February 1, 2009

money matters

I guess it pays to be president of the U.S. I see where bill Clinton made nearly six million making speaches in 2008, He is getting anywhere up to 525thousand per speach.Thats an income equal to the combined income of 120 working people if they were making 50000.00 each.Just to put these big money people in prospective .For example John Thain CEO of merrill Lynch took compensation from the company of 83 million. That would be equaal to the income of 120working people maing 50000.00 each.besides he managed the company so well that it lost 27 billion dollars That would be A loss of $50000.00 for each of 54000 stock holders.Thenbefore he turned the company over to the Bank of america he paid out over three billion in year end bonnuses. That would also be A loss to the stock holders. The government has allready paid forty five billion to bail out Bank of America and agreed to pick up another 97 billion in losses if needed . now we have A new stimulus package passed by congress of 819 billion .That amounts to 5000.for each of 163 million800000 families. this is money we mostly do not have. there is apt to be A day of reconing when we have to pay all this money back.I dont believe reducing taxes is going to get this money back. We have to tax these individuals that are taking millions out of the econamy every day.We have to get this country back on A paying basis and take care of the national debt or the prblems we are having now will look like A honeymoon compared to what we will be having in the future, my opinion by John Zilverberg

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