Thursday, January 29, 2009

government spending

The government ( that is us ) is spending A lot of money trying to cure this depression that we are in,That has been caused by A lot of greedy people. For one thing the working people most of which are controled by the unions could have taken an accrost the board A cut in wages, enough to bail out the companies, Then the companies could stay in busines and everybody could keep their jobs,Its as simple as that. We could sell our goods cheaper and that would help everybody.Also we would be more competitive in the world markets, That would keep more of our jobs in the U. S. All those companyC. E,Os. or managers that are taking millions in compensation out of these companies at the expense of the general public and running the companies into bankrupsy It dosnt take A smart person to run A company into bankrupsy ,Any dumbel could do that. Its A crime what they are doing and they should be in jail.Any manager of A company that is not making A profit should be getting A minimum wage if anything .we need A change in this country . With our present programs we are creating A class of multi millionairs and billionairs at the expense of the general public. The big money people are running this country and they are running it right into the ground causing A lot of hardship for A lot of people.

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