Friday, February 16, 2007


A man recently gave A lot of money to Sioux Valley hospital ,in fact millions of dollars,It was A wonderful gesture on his part but that showes that he had A lot more money then he needed. He was evidently A smart man.Smart enough to make all that money at the expence of the working public that did the work that actaly produced the wealth and probably wasant quite as smart so he got all the gravey.Our tax system is bad it is making the rich people richer aatthe expence of the working public. not saying that some of the rich people dont work but their income is way out of line with what the rest of the public is making. If we had A proper tax system.for examplle if we were to increase the personal income tax one percent for every 500000.00 afer the first 500000.00 up to 80% he would still havve more money then he needed and still have plenth to give away and our government would have plenty of money to pay off the national debt,pay for A national health plan and for grants to support schools hospitals and other public works.At that rate of taxation an individual that made 15 million would still have about seven million left after taxes. He could spend one million and still have seven million left to sit on or give away. We shouldnt be putting A heavy tax burdon on bussineses because if we over tax busineses and shut them down we are putting people out of jobs, We should be taxing the individuals that are taking the money out of the busines. Now we have raised the minimum wagesso all our goods is going to be higher priced so we will be floded with cheap imports and our trade deficet will go thru the ceiling, Free trade might be A good thing if we trade dollar for dollar ,example we let you import A million dollars worth of goods if you buy A million dollars worth of goods and put A heavy tax on any excesses, now Bush wants to permantly remove the inheritance tax .I think that is wrong we already have A six million exemption,that ought to be enough for anybody.that would just be giving another big bonus to the multi millionairs if anyone feels their children or their busines needs help they should take care of that before they die then they wouldnt have to do it after they are dead. We live in this country under this governmentso if we make A lot of money during our life time we ought to be willing to give some of it back when we die.

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