Thursday, November 19, 2009

service men sentnace

I suppose everybody heared about the three aservice men that were sentanccedd to life in prison for shooting prisoners that they were supposed to be delivering to the athorities.I thought the sentances were perty severe considering the circomstances.If you just came out of A fire fight and these guys probably killed some of your buddies and you got to thinking these might be some of the guys that killed the prisoners they were holdingg. choped their headsoff and threw them in the river.If we deliver them they will be housed taken care of and probably turned loose you might be tempted to apply some of your own justice. what they did was A crime and they should be punished for it. But I would consider A ten year sentance more appropiat.This is A war and these guys are under A lot of pressure. I was exposed to the same kind of situation on Boganville during world war two.A sargent and myself were assighned to deliver A jap prisoner back to headquarters.When we got part way the sargent decided we ought to shoot the prisoner.I convinced him it was A bad idea.We delivered the prisoner.I dont know what happened to him after that but at least my concionce was clear. There is still A lot of contoversy over the war in Afghanistan but I don't believe we can afford to give up the fight now. I see where the Samali pirates are still active.Spain just paid three million to get their ship and crew back.Those guys should be hunted down and blown out of the water.All ships should have armed guards with orders to shoot to kill any pirates that try to board A ship. My opinion by John Zilverberg

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