Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unless our law makers in Washington get realistic and do something about our national debt this country is going to be in real trouble like you have never seen before. The Govenment paid 190 billion interest on the national debt this year and at the rate washington is spending our money it will soon be double that. No company or government can exist very long spending more money then it takes in.Obama says we are making headway on the recession . But we are going deeper in debt all the time and our unemployment rate is at19.8 percent.We are loosing jobs because our wages are to high and we can not compete in the world markets. Every time we raise the minimum wage our cost of living goes up and more of our jobs go oversea where the cheap labor is. Now the Unions are pushing hard to get the law passed that would that would eliminate the use of the secret ballot in union elections. That in effect would force everybody to join the union or face the consequences which could be very serious as we have seen in the past.If we had implimented My recomended plan to raise the income tax on personal incomes one percent for every 100 thousand dollars after the firs 250 thousand we wouldnt have all this national debt and maybe not even the recession.Also it would help if we had all the taxes owed on the money the multi millionairs and billionairs have hidden in overseas banks. we owe China alone 800 billion .The mexicans have already taken over A big share of our language . maybe China will be next. My opinion by John Zilverberg

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