Wednesday, July 15, 2009

question. Is the recession getting better or worse. A lot of people are still losing their jobs.And some of the athorities are talking about the danger of inflation. It seems like with the labor unions making some concessions and all the people out of jobs willing to work for less prices should go down instead of up.On the other hand all these unemployed people have to be taken care of .Those unemployment payments are adding up to A big bill.Add the universal health care bill they are trying to push thru congress .That is another big bill that is going to have to be paid and the only way they are going to get paid is by raising taxes . Not on the companies that are prviding the jobs but on the individuals that are taking the big profits out of the companies. America has been the land of oppertunity but we can no longer afford all the multi millionairs and billionairs that are making the big bucks at the expence of the general public .We are in A world market now .A world where we are saving more babies and people are living longer.A world that is fast becoming over populated. Our law makers better be working on some answers .Not creating more problems. Of course if we get an attomic war started that would probably eliminate most of the people on this world. My opinion by John Zilverberg

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