Monday, February 2, 2009


Taxes are A necessary evil. most people hate to pay taxes. but taxes are necessary to run the government. We expect A lot of services from the government and theyhave to be paid for. If we make enough money so we have to pay taxes we should be glad to pay them for the services we get. That of course is income tax.That is the fairest tax there is because if you dont make any money you dont pay any taxes.Property taxes is another matter . . property taxes you have to pay weather you make any money or not.If you dont make any money and cant pay your taxes you can loose your home or busines, South Dakota should have an income tax .With our present tax system the property owners are paying most of the taxes to pay for most of the government services we get including schools.The people that are working for wages and do not own any property are getting A free ride.Of course they pay federal income taxes but so do the property owners if they make any money. There have been bills introduced in congress to do away with the IRS and have A flat tax. How many people would be paying their fair amount of taxes if there was nobody to check up on them. Then again there are some people pushing for A national sales tax of 22 percent. that again would put most of the tax burdon on the lower income people.For example A person working for 50000 A year or less would be be spending all of his wages on taxable goods to support his family so they would be paying the 22 percent tax on all their income. while the person making one hundred million probaly would only spend one million on taxable expenses so they would be paying taxes on only one percent of their income, That would give the supper rich high income people even more of A tax break then they now have under our present tax system . My opinion by John Zilverberg

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