Monday, January 12, 2009

the rip off

It makes me mad and it should make every one else mad that is being ripped off by the execatives of some of these big companies that they managed into bankrupsy.At the expense of the general public.Some of wich are being bailed out by the government (that is us) but we are not having anything to say about how they are using the money.For examlle Lloyd Blankfien C E. O.of Goldman Sachs had 2007 compensation of 54 milllion and John Yahain C.E.O, of merrill Lynch that he managed so that it lost 11 billion and had to sell out to Bank of america had compensation of 83 million and now is asking for A bonus of 10 million. If we cant stop these people from legaly robbing us we at least should have A tax system that would get some of that money back to the government to pay off the national debt ,Run the government and return to the states to pay for work to benefit the general public.If we were to raise the present tax system one percent for every 100 thousand dollars after the first 250 thousand up tp 90 percent on individual incomes that would get the job done and still leave the muti millionairs and billionairs with plenty of money for whatever they wanted to use it for.That would reduce the taxes for the general public and put the country on A sound financial bnasis. My opinion by John Zilverberg

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