Thursday, April 17, 2008

U. S. financial problams

One of the biggest probloms in the U. S. right now is its financial irrisponsibility. We are headed for bankrucy, our dollar is loosing its value,other nations are buying our businesses. the main reason is our tax system . it is creating to many multi millionairs and billionairs at the expense of the general public. If we were to increase our present taxes on individuals by one percent for every one hundred thousand dollars after the first two hundred thousand up to 90 percent we could put the country back on A paying basis,Pay off the national debt,have money to pay off social security,Support A national health care program and have money to return to the state so the could issue grantss to improve hospitals ,schools,roads and any other projects that would benefit the general public.That in turn would create jobs and people with jobs pay taxes. We should not put A heavy tax burdon on coops and bussinesses because they are what create jobs.we should be taxing the individuals that are taking the big money out of the businesses. We have to many rich people in washington making laws to benefit themselves and their rich friends that are putting up the money to keep them in office instead of doing what is best for the country as A whole. My opinion by John Zilverberg

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