Saturday, March 1, 2008

meat recall

The Animal rights activists took pictures of the way A slaughter plant was handaling downer cows . they called the animals sick and caused A huge meat recall. But I am sure that at least in most cases the animals had broken legs or dislocated hips so they couldnt walk or even stand up. So they had to be destroyed regardles and just because they broke A leg that in no way destroys the quality of the meat. This meat has never made anyone sick but I understand that all the meat in S D that came from this plant is to be buried in the Souix Falls land fill. Seems to me that it could be sold to some manufactures of pet foods and cooked up and made into pet food. That would give the state some revenue and make good use of the meat. I think the animal rights activists should figure out A humane way to have these downer animals handled so they wouldnt have to just lie where they had their accident and die A miserable death. With so many people in this world starving it seems A shame to destroy all this good meat. my opinion by John Zilverberg

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