Sunday, September 27, 2009

Keeping Our Jobs

In the sept.24th Daily Plainsman columnist George will criticizes Obama for putting A 35% tariff on tire imports from China just because the United steel workers union asked him to. Makes you wonder if George had an interest in A tire manufacturing plant in China. But the fact of the matter is that may be the only way we can keep our jobs here in the U.S. Of course if we put heavy import duties on manufactured goods we can expect retaliation by duties on our exports so will we be any better off. We are presently in A world market and we are priced out of the markets because of our high wages. U.S. companies can not compete with foreign companies where they have cheap labor so they are forced out of business unless they move their companies out of the country where they have cheap labor. The unions are strong and are forcing us to keep raising our minimum wage. By doing that they are raising the cost of living for everybody .sending more of our jobs out of the country and encouraging people to sneak into the country looking for those high priced jobs that they wont find because most of our jobs have been sent out of the country. My opinion by John Zilverberg

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