Sunday, March 30, 2008

Eraq goyernment and people

I am getting confused about the situation in Eraq and dissapointed in the people of Eraq. maybe we are not using enough diplomatic efort to convince the diferant factions and tribes to convince them that if they would stop killing each other an cooperate with the government they could live in peace and the americans would go home. At present some factions are fighting the amer icans and the government that we are supporting. It seems if there were some reasonable leaders in Eraq they could sit down and work out A government that would suit all the people .Then they could stop killing each other and the americans would be glad to go home. America is only in Eraq trying to create A viable government and stop the killing.It seems that if we could convince the people of that we could end the war and go home. The big trouble is that some of the group leaders dont want that to happen. They are afraid of lossing their power and control over the peopleand they would like to see america defeated at any cost. My opinion by John zilverberg

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