Saturday, May 19, 2007


We are hearing A lot about and from polatcians looking for jobs these days and when it comes right down to it its mostly about money. The fact is we have to many rich people in washington making laws to benefit themselves and the rich people that are supplying the money to keep them in office. Of course the one that has the most money to spend to make you believe he will do you the most good.If he or she can convince you that they are going to reduce your taxes you will probably vote for them. Our tax system is bad because it is making the rich people richer at the expense of the general public. Some company C.O,s movie stars T V hosts and prominant sports figures just to name A few are making any were up to A hundred million dollars A year. If we were to raise the personal income tax on our present tax system one percent for every five hundred thousand after the first five hundred thousand up to 80 percent the governmant would have enough money to pay off the nationaldebt ,finance A national health system and have money to send grants to the states to fix roads hospitals andschools and whatever else that would benefit the general public. At thet rate of taxation if you were making fifteen million A year you would have approximatly seven million left after taxes. you could spend one million and still have six million left to put in the bank give away or whatever. We shouldnt put A heavy tax burdon on companys or corporations because they are what are creating the jobs that people need to make A living and pay taxes. we shold be taxing the people that are making all the money from the companys. Now we are hearing tolk again about A flat tax of 17 or 20 percent or A national sales tax.that again would benefit the richest people by cutting their taxes by as much as 50 percent at the expense of the general public. Another gimic is to eliminate the inheritance tax.Who is going to benefit by that, we alreaddy have A six million exemption so that again would benefit only the five or ten percent of the richest people in the nation. If you lived in this country and made A lot of money in your life time you ought to be willing to give some of it back when you die. My opinion by John

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