Sunday, February 28, 2010
financial problems
We bailed out the big financial institutions on wall street. Now they are making big profits at the expense of the general public. Paying out over 20 billion in bonuses. It is estimated that broker dealer operations will make over 55 billion in profits. All this while our nation is in big trouble and our congress can’t seem to be able to do any thing about it. They have spent over A year haggling over A massive health care bill that looks like A disaster if they do pass it without the means to pay for it. We need jobs so we have people paying taxes instead of drawing unemployment. And we need to revise our tax system by increasing the present tax system on individuals by one percent for every one hundred thousand dollars after the first $250000.00 up to 90 percent. That would get some of that excessive bonus money back into circulation and pay off the national debt that is costing us billions in interest. Our present tax system is producing A class of multi millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the general public. Also we have twenty million illegal emigrants in the country putting A strain on our health care and education systems and competing for the jobs we do have. The S.D. congress has bills to lower the drinking age and to sell liquor on holidays. As if we don’t already have enough drunk drivers on the road killing themselves and A lot of other innocent people .My opinion by John Zilverberg
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Joe Stock of Austin Texas thought the I.R.S.had mistreated him. He felt so strongly about it that he set his house afire got in his plane an crashed it into the I.R.S. building killing himself and at least one other person and putting some more people in the hospital. That was an extreme case . But A lot of people seem to feel that way and it is not justified. The I.R.S. has A tough job trying to collect all the taxes to run the government,build our roads ,educate our children ,Maintain an army ,Navy and Marine core to defend us and our nation .Besides all the other benefits we take for granite.How many people do you think would pay their fair share of the taxes if there was nobody to check up on them.Of course we know that A lot of that money we send to Washington is wasted. But that is not the I.R.S. fault.That is the fault of the people we send to Washington to make our laws.Some people want to eliminate the I.R.S. In fact there was even A bill in congress to do that.If you have A problem with the I.R.S. it is usualy your own fault.Sure they make A mistake once in A while .But if you have good honest records there shouldn't be A problem getting things corrected.I have always found them fair to deal with. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Monday, February 15, 2010
This Country Is In Trouble
This country is in trouble, and it is going to be till we get it on A paying basis. We are paying out billions in interest on our national debt The unemployment population increased by about A third last year and job opportunities decreased by about twenty five percent. It is easy to pass tax relief but that wont pay the bills. Tax relief wont do anything for the people with no jobs and no money because they don’t pay any taxes anyway. Tax breaks for companies are good because companies create jobs and people with jobs pay taxes. We demand A lot of services from our government and someone has to pay for them. The people with the money are going to have to do the paying. At the present time some company executives and directors are making more money in one year then the average worker makes in A lifetime. The same goes for popular sports figures and entertainers etc..We need these people that excel in what they do and they should earn more then the average person but not to such an unreasonable amount. All that excessive income is made at the expense of the general public goes into the private bank accounts and out of the economy. My recommended personal income tax increase of one percent on every one hundred thousand after the first one hundred and fifty thousand up to 90 percent would get A lot of that excessive money back into circulation if properly handled invigorate the economy benefit the nation and everybody in it. This won’t be easy because we have too many rich people in Washington making our laws and they are taking care of themselves and their rich friends that are putting up the money to get them elected into office and now that the judges have thrown out the law that restricts the amount of money any person or organization can contribute to A candidates campaign big money is going to be running the show more than ever. My opinion by John Zilverberg
The Cost of Living
Saturday I was listening to A panel of supposedly experts discussing about the effect of the 87 billion stimulus money and if it was getting the job done. I think some of their opinions were influenced by their political affiliation. Evidently it helped the big financial institutions. Some of them seem to have fully recovered and are back to making record profits that might be A sign it saved us from A total recession, but for the ten percent of the people that are out of jobs the recession is getting worse every day they are out of A job. The cost of living is going up and the prices for labor and repairs is going thru the ceiling. A loaf of bread now costs about as much as the farmer is getting for A bushel of wheat. That may be good for the people that have the jobs and are making the money but it is tough on the rest of the people. And is creating A class of destitute people that have to be taken care of and are not paying any taxes. Now the federal judges threw out the law that limited big companies and organizations as to the amount they could spend on political support so now anyone that wants to pass any legislation to benefit the general public will have to buck A lot of big money that will influence the election. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Obama's State of the Union Address
Obama’s state of the union address was rather long and he tried to justify his programs and himself. But it was not very well received especially by the republicans. He again made A lot of promises that he may not be able to keep. I think his intentions are good and some of his ideas are good if he could get them passed. He has been working on creating new jobs but so far his ideas have cost A lot of money and have not produced very good results. Now he is planing to give the low income people tax breaks. That may be good for the people that have jobs and can pay taxes but for the people that have no jobs and no money to pay taxes it is not going to do them any good. And I am sure it would not create any jobs. He has suggested A tax break for small companies .That is good if it keeps the companies in business because companies are what create jobs and people that have jobs pay taxes. We are going to have to raise taxes some where if we are ever going to pay off the national debt and the people that have the money are going to have to do it and they have no intention of doing that. We are just going to have to put some people into office that are willing to raise the taxes on the super rich people that are taking all the money out of our economy to increase their own bank accounts. Our present tax system is creating A class of multi millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the general public. I would estimate ten percent of the people in this country are holding at least ninety percent of the money. We need to get some of that money back into circulation where it will help the general public and the country. One good idea Obama had was to let the bush tax cuts for the people making over two hundred fifty thousand expire. But of course he probably wont get that done because the people with the money wont let that happen if they can help it. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Where Has The Stimulus Money Gone?
Where has the stimulus money gone besides to the big financial institutions and how many jobs has it created?A couple of examples .One .we built an air strip in Alaska that cost nine million.Probably A 60 day job that created 46 jobs for sixty days .Each worker probably earned about 80 0.00 And each job cost us tax payers $195652.00.Of course if we needed the air strip and it is worth six million maybe we got our moneys worth.then there is the Florida bridge that cost us seventy two million three hundred thousand and created seventy two jobs for probably six months at A cost to the tax payers of over A million dollars for each six month job.Of course the same applies here. If the bridge is worth the seventy two million three hundred thousand and we needed it maybe we got our moneys worth .But the bills still have to be paid and I havn't seen any action in congress that is going to pay the bills.That would be the same as some one that needed A house to live in .They could go out and buy A house for $100000.00 but then if they couldn't raise the money to pay for it they would be right back out on the street.Our government is going to be in big trouble if we don't raise some money to pay our bills . My opinion by John Zilverberg
Stimulus Money
Saturday I was listening to A panel of supposedly experts discussing about the effect of the 87 billion stimulus money and if it was getting the job done. I think some of their opinions were influenced by their political affiliation .Evidently it helped the big financial institutions . Some of them seem to have fully recovered and are back to making record profits.that might be A sign it saved us from A total recession .But for the ten percent of the people that are out of jobs the recession is getting worse every day they are out of A job.The cost of living is going up and the prices for labor and repairs is going thru the ceiling.A loaf of bread now costs about as much as the farmer is getting for A bushel of wheat.That may be good for the people that have the jobs and are making the money but it is tough on the rest of the people.And is creating A class of destitute people that have to be taken care of and are not paying any taxes. Now the federal judges threw out the law that limited big companies and organizations as to the amount they could spend on political support so now anyone that wants to pass any legislation to benefit the general public will have to buck A lot of big money that will influence the election. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Big Execs
Well the execatives of the big financial companies are at it again .Paying themselves millions in bonuses.They already have big salaries and shouldnt be alowed to pay any bonuses untill they have paid back all the government bail out money they got.We have millions of people that would be glad to have A job at any price.And the situation is getting worse .We lost another 85000 jobs last month.With twenty million illegal emigrants in the country and probably that many legal emigrants coming into the country every year.Obama wants another thirty billion to help create jobs . But all the money he has spent to date has not created many jobs so we may need A new kind of approch.Congress is now working on getting the health care bill passed but the big money people and the Unions are going to gut the bill of the best methods of paying for it.The unions are objecting to the tax on the high priced insurance plans and the big money people are objecting to the plan to raise the the income tax on people making over two hundred thousand dollars. why don't we get some good reports on who voted against these parts of the bill and vote them out of office the next election.Because we will know they are voting for what is good for the big money people and not what is good for the general public and the country. Haiti is A real mess after the big earthquake.Obama has promised one hundred million in aid and Haiti can sure use it but that is an awful lot of money for A country that is already in financial trouble. Obama better send some people down there to monitor that money so it gets to the people that realy need it and not into the bank account of some politicion as has happened to A big share of the money we have sent down there in the past. Also we could send some of our unemployed construction crews down to help them rebuild and that way bring some of that money back home. My opinion by John Zilverberg
SD Is Great
I have to put in A good word for S. D. We somtimes like to complain .But realy S.D. is A great place to live.We have very few realy bad storms or floods and are not getting burned out like they are in some other parts of the country.The recession has affected us much less then it has most of the rest of the country.I still see A lot of constuction going on and adds in the local papers for help needed. add it all up and we have A lot to be thankfull for. I see the packistan army is now fighting the Taibon .That should take some of the pressure off of our armed forces and we better give them all the support we can, I am disgusted with some of the people we send to Washington to make our laws .I think some of them are more interested in polatics and keeping their jobs then doing what is best for the country. One thing is our interigation methods ,If we used some methods that were considered illegal ,See to it that it dosnt happen again .But why drag out our dirty laundry and give us A black eye in the rest of the world.It looks like political tactics to give the Bush administration A bad name .Has everybody forgotten what tactics the enemy was using like chopping the prisoners heads off and throwing their bodies in the river, When we were not doing anything to them they flew the planes into the world trade centers and burned up 3 thousand people aalive,And remember what Sadam did to people that didnt agree with his polatics,He had the head of the head of the housholds head chopped off and nailed up on A post in front of their house. Not to mention gassing people by the hundreds.The media could do us A favor by reminding the public of some of these things so people dont forget what kind of enemy we are fighting. My opinion by John Zilverberg
the english language should be the official language of the U. S. All official documents and voting ballots should be printed in english only. That would encourage all emigrants to learn english . for one thing we cant afford to print all official documents in multiple languages .Allso if we have people speaking diffrent languages in diffrent sections of the country that could cause friction and discord between the diffrent communities and might even lead to A cival war.As A country we have to be unified with one language.It is good to know other languages but we need one official language .That will help to keep the country united and better able to work on any problems we might have and right now we have plenty of them. What should have been done and maybe still could be is freeze all forclosers on homes and small businesses for two years and guarantee the interest for the people that could not pay up to 250 thousand morgages and take A lien on the property from the people that could not pay.That way people could keep their homes and small businesses ,the financial companies would get the interest, That should bail them out,We would not be putting people out on the streets. That should help out the housing industry and we would have two years to get the economy back on track. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Using Up Our Natural Resources
At the rate we are burning up oil there is comming A time when we run out of oil. It may not be in ten or even 29 years but some time in the future we are going to run out so it is very important that we work on increasing the use of renewable fuels.There is ethenal ,biodiesal, the wind, the sun and something that we have not made much if any use of ,and that is the oceon tides.There are places where the tides are as high as fifty feet .I think there is A tremendous potential for creating electrical power by taking proper advantage of the tides. These are soursses of clean power that will not pollut the air that we have o breath. Another thing that concerns me is our artesian basin water supply. We have one deep well that has been A life saver for us. We have approximatly twenty miles of pipe hooked to it and it supplies water to four ranches at its own power so their is no power cost to us.We conserve the water by restricting the outlets so no water goes to waste. I know there are some deep wells that are left to flow freely thereby wasting million gallons of water. I am concerned that if these free flowing wells are not restricted we will eventualy run out of power and then out of water.We could sure use some regulation as to how this water is used so it isnt going to waste. My opinion by John Zilverberg
The Cost
Besides the 787 billion stimulus bill congress just passed.Congress passed A 32 billion health care bill and now A 410 billion bill to boost domestic programs. I thought the 787 billion stimulus bill was supposed to cover all that.Seems to me that we are digging ourselves into A mighty deep hole.I hope we can find A ladder long enough to get us out of the hole.Obamas total plan will amount to bythe last report I hered $3 trillion 600 billion.spending A lot of money we did not have is what got us into the trouble we are in now.Just to analize this amount ,3 trillion 600 billion amounts to 100thousand fo each of 3million 600 thousand families , That means that many families will have to come up with 100 thousand dollars each to pay off the cost of the recovery package.Obama is working on his plan to get our troops out of Eraq.I dont see anything new about his plan ,It looks about the same as the plan Bush was working on before he left office. Also he is planning to make A deal with Russia to reduce our nucular war heads. Before we start reducing our armaments we better have agreements and thorough inspection programs in place with all the countries that might be A threat to us in the future. My opinion by John Zilverberg
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