Sunday, January 20, 2008

what is wrong with this country

E have to many rich people in washington making laws to benefit them selves and their rich friends that are giving them the money to keep them in offiice. the working people that are working for A living wage are in the majority in this country and should be able to vote some people into office that would do something about this. I am seriously thinking about running for congress or maybe even for president of the United States. I think with my program I should get nintey percent of the votes because it would benefit ninety percent of the public. Here is what I would do. First I would simplify the tax code so anyone with any comon sense could uderstand it.secondly I would raise the income tax as is about 38percent for incomes over $200000. one percent for every $100000. after the first $200000. up to 90 percent. that would give us enough money to pay off the national debt.Pay all government expenses an have money to grant back to the states to repair roads,improve our hospitals,schools and any other work that would benefit the general public. That in turn would create more jobs so more people would be paying taxes. And dont fall for this idea of eliminating the internal revenue service and replacing the income tax with A national sales tax of 20 percent because you would be beneffitting the supper rich even more then what they are getting now.for example A person working for A living wage would have to spend all their incom on supplies to live on so they would be paying the 20 percent tax on all of their income while the guy that is making $100000000.would pobably only spend one million on taxable material so he would only be paying taxes on one percent of his income .I would limit taxes on busineses because they are what produces jobs and people that have jobs pay taxes. the people that take the big money out of the companies are the ones that should pay the taxes because they are taking the wealth that the working people are producing.Next is the trade deficet that is driving us into bankrupcy and devaluing our dollar. I would have free trade but on A dollar for dollar basis. for example i would limit imports from any country to the same amount of goods that they purchased from us. Well; maybe I am to old to take on this job .I should have started to work on this 20 years ago. But some younge politicions should run on this platform and they should get 90 percent of the votes .

Monday, January 7, 2008


One of the big problams in this country is our tax system . It is making the rich people in this country richer all the time at the expense of the general public. i see one of our leading preaidtial cadidates says he would eliminate the internal revenue service and replace our present tax system with A flat tax or A national sales tax.I dont know how you would make A flat tax work but A national sales tax would be A big mistake .and A big gift to the richest people in this country. for egample A person making A living wage would have to spend all his income to support himself and his family so he would have to pay the sales tax on all of his income. while the guy making one hundred million might only spend one he would only be paying taxes on onr hundreth of his income.Also anyone running a busines that had to puy A high sales tax on his purchases might go broke.some people think we should have higher tax on corporations and busineses.We shouldnt put A high tax on busieses because they are what are producing the jobs.and the people that hve jobs are the people that pay taxes. we should be taxing the individuals that are taking the big propits out of the companiesIf we were to raise the taxes on individuals from the present maximum of 38 percent one percent for every two hundred thousand after the first two hundred thousand we could put this country on A paying basis and it would benefit everybody. My opinion by John Zilverberg