Monday, December 17, 2007
death penalty
New Jersy just votted to repeal the death penalty.So what happens now. when we put A person in prison for life we are actualy punishing our selves more then the criminal. We are obligating our selves to be his or her keeper for the rest of their life ,guard them,feed them,house them ,take care of their health ,pay their medical bills and put up with any other problems they might cause. Meanwhile neither of the people they murdered or their family are getting any of these benefits. As for death by lethal injektion being A cruel and painful death as some people claim,That wont hold water, When you go to the hospital the doctors give you an injection to put you under and then cut you openand replace any of your organs or remove your lims or whatever is neccesary and you never feel A thing so I am sure if they gave you A shot to put you under and then gave you A lethal injection you would never feel a thing. If A person is to be ut to death I think by lethal injection would be most humane way to do it. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Friday, November 23, 2007
According to the official count thirty five and one half million people in the U.S, went hugary last year because they couldnt find jobs to support them so they could buy food. That dose not include three fourth of A million homless people ,That would bring the total up to six and one fourth million people that need jobs, If we have that many people that need jobs how can anybody claim that we need the foriners that sneek into the country illegaly to do the jobs that the americans wont do. A lot of these hungry people are single mothers and their children. why couldnt someone organize those people into groups of ten twenty or thirty and have A couple of them baby sit and then buss the rest of them to where the jobs are. That way they should all be able to have A job and make enough money to feed themselves and their children feed them selves and their children . My oppinion by John zilverberg
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Is see where N. D. S. U. in A lawsuit to retain the nick name of the fighting Souix has three years to persuade the souix tribes to suppout the nick name. David Gipp president of United tribes tecknical college in Bismark said leaders of the Souix tribes and groups are opposing the nick name. there have been numereous disagreemente and law suits regarding names such as chiefs ,indians ,chiefs and redskins.That the tribes or their rersentives claim are hostile degrading and addusing.the whole issue is rediculas and should be throun out of any court. Instead of being abbusive and degrading they are meant to be complmenty and the tribes should be proud to have the popular sport teams named after them. Any judge with any comon sense should throw any suit to force A change of A teams nick name out of court on the bassis that it is frivious ,rediculous and with out merit. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Should english be the official language of the U.S. Of course it should. Its good to know other languages but english should be the official language of the U,S. Itshould be the primary language in all schoolsand all official documents and voting ballots should be printed in english only. This should be one country with one language. If we allow this country to break up into splinter groups with differant languages we will evetualy get into trouble with the differant groups wanting to make their own regulations or laws and not confirm with the national laws. That would lead to trouble between the differant groups and could end up in war between the differant groups and end up with them killing each other off as they are doing in Eraq now. My opinion by john zilverberg.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The National Tax payers union is againtrying to eliminate the I.R.S, and the graduated income tax and rplace it with A flat tax or A federal sales tax. dont let this happen, The graduated tax is the fairest tax there is only it dosnt go far enough. It should be increased one percent for every one hundred thousand dollars after the first two hundred thousand of net income on the individual tax payer. At present there are A lot of people like company C.O.s ,entertainers and popular sports figures that ar making millions A year.and the maximum tax they have to pay is 38 percent If say we pas A flat tax of twenty percent someone making ten million would have to pay two million in taxes so they would be saving $ 1800000by payingthe twenty percent instead of the thirty eight percent. If they were making one hundred million they would be saving eighteen millionby paying the twenty percent flat tax and all that extra money would have to be paid by the lower income people.And the national sales tax would have about the same effect. we should not put A heavy tax on companys because companies create jobs. If we tax companies out of busines we are putting people out of jobs and they wont be paying taxes. We should be taxing the individuals that are taking the big money out of the companies If we were to implement the raise of one percent for every one hundred thousand after the first two hundred thousand on all individuals up to 90 percent the government would have enoug money to pay off the national debt,take care of social security and have money to send back to the states to use to improve roads, schools ,hospitalsand anything else that would benefit the general public and that would cut down on the local taxes we would have to pay. We need to run our country like any other busines and make it pay its way. We are getting in big trouble,,our dollar isgetting cheaper every day and our trade deficet is eating us up.we are priced out of the world markets, many of the large companies are taking their jobs overseas where they can get cheap labor in order to compete with the cheap imports.Lets get sone good comonsense people in washington that know how to run A busines and will work for what is good for the country instead of themselves and their rich friends that help them get elected.Lets get this country on its feet where we will have the respect of othr countries, at our present rate we are fast becoming A second rate country.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
our environment
I agree we should be doing everything we can to save our environmentalsystem but I am sure what we can do is limited. The experts say the icebergs are meltting and the oceons are going to cover much of the U.S, and the rest of the world. Historians say all of this country was covered with ice at one time, In the ice age and that has all melted so the meltting has evidently been going on formillions of years before we were here to cause it so I expect nature wll continue to do what it does naturaly for whatever reason and in spite of what we do. its the human asspect of our world problems that we as humans could do something about if we were willing .For one thing the world is over populated and we are sending missionarys all over the world to save the children where they have so many that they cant feed them wich is A good cause but we should also be teaching them how not to have so many children that they cant feed. Then maybe they wouldnt have to be killing each other off with constant wars. And of course A little reigious common sense would help. People of one religion that think they have to kill off people of any other religion are barberic and stupid and that seems what A lot of the wars are about. my opinion by John Zilverberg
Sunday, September 16, 2007
polatics is A dirty bussines
The democrats at least some of them are doing everything they can to discredit Bush and the republican party in hopes of winning the coming election and they are making A big issue out of the eraq war,and that is A big issue that we cant aford to loose. if we dont have the will to fight this one out we will loose the respect od all other countries and you can be sure they wil come after us.Then we will have to fight them on our own soil, People that are against the war and the media are always making A bid issue about the number of service people killed.We all know you cant fight A war without some people being killed, remember in world war two we lost more service men in one day then we have lost in EWraq in four years.But we won the war,If we haqdnt won it we would now be under japanese rull. How would you like to have A japanese dictator telling you what you could and could not do, In Eraq we are trying tocreate A peaceful and prosperus country and stop the killing,If more of the Eraq people understod this and would help us this would be easy to accomplish.I have the feeling that the majority of the Eraq people do not understand what we are trying to do and are being influenced by the propaganda from the influecial shieks. Remember there are millions of people out there under the influencs of some infulecial radicals that want to eliminate all christian in any way they can and rule the world so lets not let our guard down at home and tie the hands of the officialsthat are trying to keep us safe here at home by restrictions of the patiot act and any other toolsthey need to keep us safe. If we are not doing anything wrong we dont have to worry about the officials checking up on our activities. My opinion by John Zilverberg
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
presidetial debate
The question about same sex marriges came up again in the democratic candidates ffor president and probably will again become an issue in the campaign, In my opinion the question is rediculous. marrige is A bond between A man and A woman,If two people of the same sex want to live together as A couple let them .If they want some official designation to tie them together let them form A partnership that way they have an official bond to tie them together and they can make their own rules as to what each partners rights are, The big question is the war in Eraq. Lets not throw in the towel yet.I know we are loosing some service peranel over there and that is to bad but if you were to check the statistics I will bet we have more homacides and accidental deaths per 100000 right here in the U.S.then we have in our military personel in Eraq and I would A lot rather be fighting the enemy over there then over here at home.If we pull out now we are just letting the enemy have A safe haven to reorganize and plan their next attacts on theU.S. And you can bet they will be doing just that. my oppinion by John
Sunday, June 10, 2007
presidential candidates opinions
listeing to the questioning of the presidential cadidates on T V is quite enlightening. Some of the questions were about the war in Eraq and about Irans nucular bomb program. they all agree we dont want Iran to dovelop the nucular bomb and we should do whatever we can to prevent that. The democrats want us to pull out of Eraq. If we pull out Of Eraq before the job is done what kind of messge is that sending to Iran and North Korea.It is the U.S. dosnt have the guts to fight A tough fight so why wory about what they say. We all know Eraq is A mess mostly due to the eraqe people themselves and the neighboring countries that are doing their best to see that we dont succeed in getting the country united with one government to represent all the people and stop the killing. I know we have had over 3000 of our troops killed over there and I hate to see even one killed but you must realize we have over 140000 trops over there and if you were to track 140000 people in the U.S. over A period of five years you would find that A lot more were killed in accidents and homicides then were killed in Eraq ouer A five Year cant fight A war without some casualties but we cant sit and not put up A fight and be kiled off like A bunch of sheep.Remember in 9-11 they killed 3000 of us in one day. my opinion by John.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Lets make the english language the official languagef the U.S.thereby making us one nation speaking one language. Lets not grant citizen ship to anyone who cant speak english and cancel the directive that all government documents and directivs be printed in mutiple languages,That is costing us billions of dollars and thereby encouraging diffrent ethic groups to continue using their native language thereby creating A diversity of languages that could lead to diversity and discontent between the diffrent speaking groups and eventualy lead to connfrontation as in Eraq where diffrents sectarian tribes are killing each other off by the hundreds and could eventualy lead to A civil war.All official government documents and ballots should be printed in the engliush language only. my opinion by John
Saturday, May 19, 2007
We are hearing A lot about and from polatcians looking for jobs these days and when it comes right down to it its mostly about money. The fact is we have to many rich people in washington making laws to benefit themselves and the rich people that are supplying the money to keep them in office. Of course the one that has the most money to spend to make you believe he will do you the most good.If he or she can convince you that they are going to reduce your taxes you will probably vote for them. Our tax system is bad because it is making the rich people richer at the expense of the general public. Some company C.O,s movie stars T V hosts and prominant sports figures just to name A few are making any were up to A hundred million dollars A year. If we were to raise the personal income tax on our present tax system one percent for every five hundred thousand after the first five hundred thousand up to 80 percent the governmant would have enough money to pay off the nationaldebt ,finance A national health system and have money to send grants to the states to fix roads hospitals andschools and whatever else that would benefit the general public. At thet rate of taxation if you were making fifteen million A year you would have approximatly seven million left after taxes. you could spend one million and still have six million left to put in the bank give away or whatever. We shouldnt put A heavy tax burdon on companys or corporations because they are what are creating the jobs that people need to make A living and pay taxes. we shold be taxing the people that are making all the money from the companys. Now we are hearing tolk again about A flat tax of 17 or 20 percent or A national sales tax.that again would benefit the richest people by cutting their taxes by as much as 50 percent at the expense of the general public. Another gimic is to eliminate the inheritance tax.Who is going to benefit by that, we alreaddy have A six million exemption so that again would benefit only the five or ten percent of the richest people in the nation. If you lived in this country and made A lot of money in your life time you ought to be willing to give some of it back when you die. My opinion by John
Friday, May 4, 2007
Where is the justice in this world. why is it that the U.S. is all over the world trying to help other countries,spending A lot of money there and in many cases putting our troops at risk and we are still hated by most of those coutries if you canbelieve what you read in the news reports. It seems everybody hates the U.S. but they all want to come to the states any way they can legaly or otherwise. If genocide is being commited or people are starving or some mager catastrophy happens in some other country the U.S. is expected to be there to help them out. If we dont do anything about it we are criticised for not doing anything about it. In Eraq we are spending millions of dollars and sacraficeing some of our best young people trying to end the genocide and give the people their freedom and we are being blamed for the genocide that is going on there by the very people we are trying to save and the neighboring countries that are doing their best to see to it that we dont succeed. What is the answer" Jealousy is the root of all evil,If you are jealous of some one you want to destroy them or at least tear them down to your own level, MY opinion by John Zilverberg.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
decency and respect
Our morals decency and respect for others is rapidly being deroded in this country,Mostly by showes that we watch on t, v, these days. one show that seems to be very popular and evidently has good ratings is an example, the show is humorus at times but has A lot of neativity in it. The family is constantly bickering, Puttind each other down. showing A lot of jealousy ,being down right rude to each other and using language that I would consider unacceptible in A decent society.I would hate to live in A family that acted that way and if I had young children I would not want them to watch that kind of shows for fear they would grow up thinking that kind of performance would be accepable for them and grow up to be the same kind of repulive individuals. john.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Racism is becoming A big issue latley fired by people like Reverands Sharpton and jesse Jackson. they never failto bring up the issue and make A big issue out of it every chance they get. The Imus case is an example. They will destroy A white person every chance they get, they are breeding hate in their following in the black community and driving A wedge between the black and white communities, that is creating more hate and discord on both sides. That is starting with words and will eventualy lead to violance that will tear the country apart and could eventualy lead to diffrent factions attacking and killing each other as the people in eraqi are doing now. We all can make mistakes on occasion, If we recant and appolagize A little forgivness would be good for the soul. How about A little tolerance and cooperation to keep any difrences we have low key so we can have A plesant and peaceful community. John
Friday, April 13, 2007
town meeting
The town meeting held 4-12-07 about the clossing of the F.S,A. office in Highmore is now history. It was attended by A big share of the residents of Highmore and Hyde county and Steve Cutler , south Dakota Farm service agency director. He sure found out what the people of the community thought of the closing of the F.S,A. office. He was on the hot seat in excess of two hours answering questions and in some occasions accusiations.I have to admire the guy. he kept his cool and answered them all in A civil manner and to the best of his ability wich is more then I thought he got in some cases. A lot of good arguments were brought out against the clossing so we hope it did some good. John
Saturday, March 24, 2007
ilegal emigrants
The illegal emigrants comming into this country is becoming A very serious problam that should be addresed promptly and vigorasly. If they have been in this country for some time and proved to be good citizens we could give them six months to prove they are proficient in the english language and apply for citizen ship otherwise deport them and seal our borders . The english language is what this country is all about. All official documents and voting ballots should be printed in the english language only If we allow difrent ethnic groups to speak and do busines in their own native language we will evenualy have discord among the diffrent speaking communities and that will eventualy lead to serious problems, If they want to live in this country let them become americans and speak the language, This should be one country with one language. If we keep letting thes people come in and and use all our resourses we will soon be in the same shape as the counties they are trying to escape from. Lets give our police and border patrol agents some support, WE GIVE THEM WEAPONS TO PRTECT THEMSELVES AND ENFORCE THE LAW lets not be so fast to arrest them and chage them with abus or murder if some law breaker gets hurt or killed while the officers are trying to do their job. JOHN
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
office closings
steve Cutlers proposal to close the farm service office in Highmore and move it to Miller is doing A big disservice to the community of Highmore and the farmers it is serving. Some of the farmers and committe members already have to drive 30 miles to highmore to attend meetings apply for loans or whatever other busines they have to do with the agency. If the agency is moved to miller that would be another 22 miles. With gas at 265 per gallon A hundred plus mile round trip would cost the farmer A minimum of 15 dollars plus his time. That would create an additionl hardship on the farmers the agency to serve.And also the workers if they have to drive the extra miles to their jobs. And if new offices and facilities have to be provided is there realy any savings being realized, John.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
supplament to my last blog
If congress would limit the new farm program to 200000 or 100000 or whatever amount A minimum of 50 % of that should be for conservation programs. for example if the limit was set at 100000 Afarmer could earn 50000 in none conservation programs and then he could earn another 50000 in conservation programs such as planting trees ,strip croping, terrasing ,soil bank or whatever would qualify as A conservation practice
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
farm program
Under the Bush proposal for the new farm program anyone making over $200000 in adjusted gross income would not recieve any farm program payments. He has the right idea but he is using the wrong approch .No one should be completly eliminated because of their adjusted groos income.but everyone should be limited to thee amount from farm program payments . I would suggest $100000 or less.that would keep our conservation programs that are good for our wild life habitat and the enviorment.Any excess income should be taken care of by the personal income tax on indivduals.that would give the farmers more of an even break with the opperators of other busineses.And keep our smaller operators on the farmes wich is good for the rural areas and the small towns. the present farm program that makes big payments to the big operators only encourages them to get bigger and squeeze out the smaller opperators.If more people would think and do what is best for the country as A whole and not just what is best for themselves this would be A much better country to live in and that goes for the whole world.
Friday, February 16, 2007
A man recently gave A lot of money to Sioux Valley hospital ,in fact millions of dollars,It was A wonderful gesture on his part but that showes that he had A lot more money then he needed. He was evidently A smart man.Smart enough to make all that money at the expence of the working public that did the work that actaly produced the wealth and probably wasant quite as smart so he got all the gravey.Our tax system is bad it is making the rich people richer aatthe expence of the working public. not saying that some of the rich people dont work but their income is way out of line with what the rest of the public is making. If we had A proper tax system.for examplle if we were to increase the personal income tax one percent for every 500000.00 afer the first 500000.00 up to 80% he would still havve more money then he needed and still have plenth to give away and our government would have plenty of money to pay off the national debt,pay for A national health plan and for grants to support schools hospitals and other public works.At that rate of taxation an individual that made 15 million would still have about seven million left after taxes. He could spend one million and still have seven million left to sit on or give away. We shouldnt be putting A heavy tax burdon on bussineses because if we over tax busineses and shut them down we are putting people out of jobs, We should be taxing the individuals that are taking the money out of the busines. Now we have raised the minimum wagesso all our goods is going to be higher priced so we will be floded with cheap imports and our trade deficet will go thru the ceiling, Free trade might be A good thing if we trade dollar for dollar ,example we let you import A million dollars worth of goods if you buy A million dollars worth of goods and put A heavy tax on any excesses, now Bush wants to permantly remove the inheritance tax .I think that is wrong we already have A six million exemption,that ought to be enough for anybody.that would just be giving another big bonus to the multi millionairs if anyone feels their children or their busines needs help they should take care of that before they die then they wouldnt have to do it after they are dead. We live in this country under this governmentso if we make A lot of money during our life time we ought to be willing to give some of it back when we die.
Monday, February 12, 2007
I appreciate Jerry Hinkle keeping me updated on his blog the Holabird Advocate,It will get moreattention for my opinion and hopfulyinfluence more peoples opinions.My opinion might be wrong but at least I have the right to express it.Jerry Hinkle can be wrong to , He gives me credit ffor being 92 years old ,He is wrong I am 93 pushing 94.the bar J Z crew got back from the Black hills winter show , they didnt exactly burn up the show but they did manage to have first place bull calf and the reserve grand champion and top selling heifer in the limousin show and sale.My average bowling score is going down fast.did you ever try standing on one leg and throw A bowling ball .Take it from me it dosnt work to well. however the Bar J Z bowling team did win the first one half section ofthe bowling league wich isnt bad with two 90 plus cripples on the teamso we get to play for league championship at the end of the season .That might be A big joke but miricales do happen, with A big handicap and A lot of luck who knows what could happen. It seems every time an elderly person is involved in an accidentthe question comes up at what age should A persons drivers license be caceled, remember when you take away an elderly persons drivers license its like cutting off both their legs.I know there will be exceptions but if you were to check the statistics u you would find that there are A lot more accidents especialy deadly accidents caused by driversbetween 14 and 25 then by drivers over 75
Monday, February 5, 2007
I don't know where all the polls are being taken that show such a negative opinion of President Bush and the war in Iraq. I bet if the poll were taken in Hyde County or even in South Dakota, the results would be a lot different. We here live in a quiet and fairly safe community and hope to keep it that way.l We regret the loss of the life or the injury of even one person in Iraq where we are spending a lot of money and lives trying to make a safe and prosperous country where people can live in peace and enjoy life. A country that is rife with indiscriminate murderers that are being helped and supplemented with help from outside of its borders. A country that is unable to police itself.
All these suicide bombers that are being brain washed to think they will be martyrs and go to heaven if they kill themselves and a lot of other innocent people better think again. They are less than human, just plan murderers, and if there is such a place as hell, they will surely be there for eternity.
We are obligated to fight for what is right and our own protection.
If you came face to face with a mad dog or animal and turn and run, you have let down your defenses, and they will be right on your back. If we cut and run in Iraq, the same thing will happen. We've given them the incentive and the chance to get on our back. If we didn't tell the bad guys what we were going to do all the time, we might have more success in accomplishing our goals. Now we told the insurgents that we were going to clean up Baghdad so they moved out and are doing their damage in other parts of the country.
You can't fight an enemy that has no morals or scruples and uses every dirty trick they can think of by fighting by a code of ethics and telling them ahead of time what your plans are. It seems to me if we put more effort into communicating with the people and get them to understand what we are trying to accomplish and how much money and effort we are spending to accomplish this without any benefit to ourselves, and that we are anxious to finish the job so we could go back home. We could get more support from the general public and maybe get some of the tribal leaders together to settle their differences. Surely there must be some common sense people there that would listen to reason.
All these suicide bombers that are being brain washed to think they will be martyrs and go to heaven if they kill themselves and a lot of other innocent people better think again. They are less than human, just plan murderers, and if there is such a place as hell, they will surely be there for eternity.
We are obligated to fight for what is right and our own protection.
If you came face to face with a mad dog or animal and turn and run, you have let down your defenses, and they will be right on your back. If we cut and run in Iraq, the same thing will happen. We've given them the incentive and the chance to get on our back. If we didn't tell the bad guys what we were going to do all the time, we might have more success in accomplishing our goals. Now we told the insurgents that we were going to clean up Baghdad so they moved out and are doing their damage in other parts of the country.
You can't fight an enemy that has no morals or scruples and uses every dirty trick they can think of by fighting by a code of ethics and telling them ahead of time what your plans are. It seems to me if we put more effort into communicating with the people and get them to understand what we are trying to accomplish and how much money and effort we are spending to accomplish this without any benefit to ourselves, and that we are anxious to finish the job so we could go back home. We could get more support from the general public and maybe get some of the tribal leaders together to settle their differences. Surely there must be some common sense people there that would listen to reason.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Social Security
I am inclined to agree with most of President Bush's ideas but not to privatize social security. Why would anybody expect people that cannot handle their finances well enough to provide for their retirement years to do any better with the money they saved from their social security taxes. Our social security funds would be in good shape if our government representatives wouldn't be taking the money out for all their pet projects and instead have invested it where it would be making a good income.
The most popular proposals in the State and National Legislatures is to raise the minimum wages. Evidently S.D. has the lowest or nearly the lowest average wages earned of any state in the Union. So what? I bet if all the statistics were in you would find the cost of living is also one of the lowest in the nation.
Seems the Legislators are going to spend a lot of time and expense on the abortion issue again. It was voted down once, why don't we just drop it and take care of the rest of our business.
Another thing the Legislators are going to spend their time on is arguing about eliminating the death penalty because some people think it is a cruel and unjust punishment. I would say to die by lethal injection would be a lot less cruel than being sent to prison for life without a chance for parole. After all when you enter the hospital they give you a shot to put you under, then cut you apart and remove your organs or limbs or whatever they feel is necessary and you never feel a thing. It would be a lot easier death than that of their victims in most cases and they would no longer be a menace to our society.
If we put them in jail for life without a chance for parole, we have to guard and feed them and take care of all their needs for the next 50 years or so. We are actually punishing ourselves more than the criminals. Besides there is always the chance they could escape and repeat their crimes.
The most popular proposals in the State and National Legislatures is to raise the minimum wages. Evidently S.D. has the lowest or nearly the lowest average wages earned of any state in the Union. So what? I bet if all the statistics were in you would find the cost of living is also one of the lowest in the nation.
Seems the Legislators are going to spend a lot of time and expense on the abortion issue again. It was voted down once, why don't we just drop it and take care of the rest of our business.
Another thing the Legislators are going to spend their time on is arguing about eliminating the death penalty because some people think it is a cruel and unjust punishment. I would say to die by lethal injection would be a lot less cruel than being sent to prison for life without a chance for parole. After all when you enter the hospital they give you a shot to put you under, then cut you apart and remove your organs or limbs or whatever they feel is necessary and you never feel a thing. It would be a lot easier death than that of their victims in most cases and they would no longer be a menace to our society.
If we put them in jail for life without a chance for parole, we have to guard and feed them and take care of all their needs for the next 50 years or so. We are actually punishing ourselves more than the criminals. Besides there is always the chance they could escape and repeat their crimes.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Illegal Immigrants
Cold and windy in SD, at least around Highmore, but that's weather in SD, so we have to put up with it, but South Dakota is still a great place to live. Let's examine the question of illegal immigrants, mostly Mexicans, and should they be given amnesty.
The answer is no. I think Bush had the right idea when he suggested six month work permits. They could be applied for by applicants that would be registered and allowed to come into the states only when requested by an employer if the employer first gave American citizens a chance to do the job by advertising and listing needs with employment agencies. The workers would have to check in at the port of entry and be identified so they could be tracked at all times. If they did not check out at the end of the six month period and did not request and justify an extension they would be deported and their permit revoked. As to whether we should pay social security to Mexicans that went back to Mexico. If they were in the states legally and paid into social security yes, otherwise no.
Yours truly is a retired rancher, the father of Bar JZ ranches now operated by son Donald his wife Peg and youngest son Seth. They will be showing at the Black Hills Stock Show this week.
I have two bowling teams in the Highmore bowling leagues, and I pulled a muscle in my thigh so can't bowl right now but still play cards, pool, and golf when the weather is fit.
I am glad the Senate body got a chance to review the charges against Dan Sutton. Not because of my interest in the case, but because I feel that a judge should not have the right to overrule the senate body that we elected to make our laws. A judge is supposed to interpret the laws not make them.
The answer is no. I think Bush had the right idea when he suggested six month work permits. They could be applied for by applicants that would be registered and allowed to come into the states only when requested by an employer if the employer first gave American citizens a chance to do the job by advertising and listing needs with employment agencies. The workers would have to check in at the port of entry and be identified so they could be tracked at all times. If they did not check out at the end of the six month period and did not request and justify an extension they would be deported and their permit revoked. As to whether we should pay social security to Mexicans that went back to Mexico. If they were in the states legally and paid into social security yes, otherwise no.
Yours truly is a retired rancher, the father of Bar JZ ranches now operated by son Donald his wife Peg and youngest son Seth. They will be showing at the Black Hills Stock Show this week.
I have two bowling teams in the Highmore bowling leagues, and I pulled a muscle in my thigh so can't bowl right now but still play cards, pool, and golf when the weather is fit.
I am glad the Senate body got a chance to review the charges against Dan Sutton. Not because of my interest in the case, but because I feel that a judge should not have the right to overrule the senate body that we elected to make our laws. A judge is supposed to interpret the laws not make them.
Friday, January 26, 2007
One Nation, One Language
I have created this blog to give give me a chance to express my opinion where more people will read it and maybe have more influence on their thinking. I understand that I am going to have a link to Jerry Hinkle's blog, the Holabird Advocate. That is great news because I will get more coverage in combination with the Holabird Advocate. Jerry has a great sense of humor. His blogs are always interesting reading.
Now for the subject of this message. I have for years been pushing our state and national legislators to make English our official language. Anyone that wants to become an American citizen should be required to learn the fundamentals of the English language. Executive order E O 13166 signed into law by president Clinton requires every government agency and organization receiving government funds to provide services and programs in foreign languages. That is costing us billions of dollars a year and should be rescinded. President Bush has the power to do it, saving us billions of dollars and making us one nation with one language. That would go a long way toward eliminating the discord among different ethnic groups and make the U .S. A. a unified country. At the rate we are being invaded by different ethnic cultures. If we are not careful we will have the same situation we have in Iraq right now where different religious sects are killing each other off by the hundreds.
Now for the subject of this message. I have for years been pushing our state and national legislators to make English our official language. Anyone that wants to become an American citizen should be required to learn the fundamentals of the English language. Executive order E O 13166 signed into law by president Clinton requires every government agency and organization receiving government funds to provide services and programs in foreign languages. That is costing us billions of dollars a year and should be rescinded. President Bush has the power to do it, saving us billions of dollars and making us one nation with one language. That would go a long way toward eliminating the discord among different ethnic groups and make the U .S. A. a unified country. At the rate we are being invaded by different ethnic cultures. If we are not careful we will have the same situation we have in Iraq right now where different religious sects are killing each other off by the hundreds.
Friday, January 19, 2007
It looks like our Washington represetatives are going to raise the minimum wages. So what happens next? The cost of producing our food and other commodities goes up. Transportation costs go up. Costs to the retailer and the merchandizer all go up. So in the end the cost of what the worker has to buy will probably increase more then the increase in his wages. So what did he gain? We are already priced out of the world market where we have to compete with workers that work for a dollar an hour or less and that is causing a huge trade deficet to this country. The trouble with this country is some people are making to much money. Some company directors, C.O.'s, and sports personnel make anywhere from one to one twenty five million a year. That is at the expense of their investors and the working public. If we were to raise the personal income tax by one percent for every $100,000 over the first $500,000, up to 80% we would have enough money to pay off the national debt, take care of social security and all other government programs, and have money to send back to the states to fix roads, schools, hospitals, and any other public works that would benefit the public. That would reduce the cost of living for the general public and create a lot of jobs, that in turn would have more people paying taxes and give a big boost to the economy.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tax Controversy
Some people are pushing a plan that has been introduced in Congress to eliminate the IRS and replace the graduated income tax with a flat tax of 17% or 20% or a national sales tax of 20%. Either plan would raise the taxes for the lower income people and cut the taxes for the high income people by approximately 35-50%, thereby making the rich richer and the average citizen poorer.
I doubt if either plan would produce enough revenue to run the government or pay off the national debt.
If I were smart enough to make a lot of money at the expense of the public I would be glad to pay the income tax.
The income tax is the fairest tax there is. It would be nice if we could simplify the tax forms so a person with average intelligence could understand them, but as to going to a new tax that would put more of a burden on the average citizen and benefit the high income people. That would be very detrimental to the country and create more hardship for a lot of people.
I doubt if either plan would produce enough revenue to run the government or pay off the national debt.
If I were smart enough to make a lot of money at the expense of the public I would be glad to pay the income tax.
The income tax is the fairest tax there is. It would be nice if we could simplify the tax forms so a person with average intelligence could understand them, but as to going to a new tax that would put more of a burden on the average citizen and benefit the high income people. That would be very detrimental to the country and create more hardship for a lot of people.
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